About Plotless Comics

Plotless Comics is the creation of Matt Marchetti and Cory Patten. We've been drawing Rabbit-Walrus and Sadocat since 1992, when most of our afternoons were spent either surfing or buying, reading, and drawing comics. We created our comics one page at a time, not thinking too much about what we would end up drawing on the next page.

In this century, we now admittedly enjoy giving some forethought to the jokes and stories we tell. However, our characters still embody the essentials of "plotlessness," blissfully tripping through their adventures, battling villians, or whatever happens to be in front of them at any given point, merely because they are there.


Matt Marchetti

Matt is the creator and artist/writer of The Slightly Insane Spontaneously Combusting Frothing Mutant Ninja Blackbelt Samurai Rabbit-Walrus from Hell™ comics. A few of his other characters include Sabrebunny™, The Happiest Homicidal Maniac™, and The Vengeful Old Guy™.


Cory Patten

Cory is the creator and artist/writer of Sadocat™ comics. A few of his other characters include Flatline Frog™, Mr. Brouhaha™, and the various members of the Creature Corps™.