
The Slightly Insane Spontaneously Combusting Frothing Mutant Ninja Blackbelt Samurai Rabbit-Walrus from Hell™

Okay, the name pretty much says it all. Insane? Slightly. Yes, he explodes randomly, has all the skills of a ninja blackbelt samurai, and though he may or may not be from hell, it sure seems that way to spectators. He looks like he's part rabbit and part walrus, so, yeah, that's probably a mutant of some kind. And oh, indeed, he froths.

Created by Matt Marchetti.


(Pronounced “SAY-doh-cat”, as in “sadistic cat”). He may not be much more sadistic than a typical cat, as he, like other cats, enjoys playing with his prey. Unlike other cats he is enhanced with eye beams, hyper-extending claws, the ability to fly and shoot flames from his paws, and to laugh about it. You really don’t want to piss him off (but he is a cat after all, so good luck with that).

Created by Cory Patten.



A happy bunny with a big heart and lots of love to give... Unfortunately his gigantic claws and fangs usually end up skewering anyone he befriends.

Created by Matt Marchetti.


Flatline Frog™

A frog that was dissected, then electrically shocked back to life. He now sports a nifty dissection scar on his belly, can fly, and neutralizes evildoers with his electric tongue. Occasionally a sidekick to Sadocat.

Created by Cory Patten.

The Happiest Homicidal Maniac™

Armed to the teeth and heavy on the trigger, he tries to kill pretty much anything that catches his attention: from squirrels and butterflies to pedestrians and airplanes. Luckily for some, he is easily distracted.

Created by Matt Marchetti.


Mr. Brouhaha™

Sadocat’s arch-nemesis. Mr. Brouhaha’s genius is matched by his insanity. His plans to conquer the city routinely fail due to a combination of his own madness and Sadocat’s interference.

Created by Cory Patten.